Cleanlites Services
Aerosol Disposal
Cleanlites can recycle large and small volumes of aerosols.
Airbag Recycling
Cleanlites is the largest processor of recalled airbags in the U.S.
Ballast Recycling
Cleanlites recycles thousands of lighting ballasts each month.
Battery Recycling
Cleanlites is able to process large and small volumes of any type of battery.
Computer Monitor Recycling
Cleanlites’ recycling facilities can process large and small volumes of monitors.
Confidential Data Destruction
Cleanlites is trusted by companies large and small for data destruction.
Electronics Recycling
Keeping old electronics out of the landfill is critical. Cleanlites can help.
ERT Module Recycling
Cleanlites transports and recycles ERTs from coast to coast.
eWaste Recycling
Illegal eWaste recycling has grown into a national security crisis.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
Cleanlites can help dispose of numerous hazardous materials.
IT Asset Disposition
Cleanlites can help securely destroy assets and sanitize data
Lamp Recycling
Cleanlites can help you properly dispose of all lighting.
LCD Recycling
LCDs contain many harmful substances, we can safely recycle them.
LED Recycling
Proper LED destruction and recycling is critical, we can help.
Medical Device Disposal
Cleanlites can help dispose of large and small medical devices.
Mercury Disposal
Cleanlites provides affordable mercury disposal nationwide.
PCB Recycling
Cleanlites is committed to keeping PCB waste out of the landfill.
Product Recalls Management
Cleanlites has helped manage thousands of product recalls.
Solar PV Recycling
Solar PV should never see landfill, Cleanlites can help.
Solar Panel Recycling
Our facilities can handle large and small solar panel volumes.
TV Recycling
Cleanlites can divert many types of old TVs from landfill.
Universal Waste Management
Cleanlites helps companies nationwide with universal waste mgmt.

Cleanlites Recycling is a leader in waste management serving corporations, governments, medical facilities, OEM’s and more.
Industries Served
We help manufacturers and automotive professionals become more sustainable.
Cleanlites can help your corporate workplace recycle many waste streams.
Energy professionals nationwide trust Cleanlites to ensure their waste stays out of the landfill.
Proper destruction data storing devices used in finance has never been more important than it is today.
Hundreds of municipalities nationwide trust Cleanlites with their waste recycling.
From large hospital networks, to local pediatrics and urgent care, Cleanlites helps them all.
Cleanlites assists thousands of OEMs nationwide with waste removal and waste recycling services.
Cleanlites proudly serves the residential communities near our recycling facilities nationwide.
Retailers both large and small trust Cleanlites with their end of life electronics and universal waste.
Message Us
Our team is available:
Monday – Friday
Tel: 800 – 778 – 6645
Hours: 7:00am – 4:00pm

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