by Andrew Morton | Jul 28, 2021 | Business, Circular Economy, Engineering
Did you know the United States generated 146.1 million tons of trash in the year 2018? And non-hazardous industrial waste isn’t exactly included in this statistic! So if that’s how much waste individual consumers generate, imagine how much your company...
by Andrew Morton | Dec 29, 2020 | Business, Data Security
Office workers use an average of 10,000 sheets of paper each year, half of which are thrown in the trash at the end of the day. There is still a ton of paper in today’s business world. It’s more important than ever to secure sensitive documents and...
by Andrew Morton | Aug 26, 2020 | Business, Data Security, Electronic Waste
The rapid deployment of technology has led to huge boons in the world of business. Entire landscapes of dozens of industries are changing at a pace we could only dream of a few decades ago. The positives can be easy to see, but the negatives are the ever-increasing...
by Andrew Morton | Apr 6, 2020 | Business, Circular Economy, Recycling
Freestore FoodBank Sends Major Thanks! Cleanlites Recycling, Inc. donates $25,000 worth of recycling towards a Freestore FoodBank Eco Engineering Project. With the help of this donation, the FoodBank will save $6,800 a year. That’s money recycled back into the...
by Andrew Morton | Apr 6, 2020 | Business, Circular Economy, Recycling
Freestore FoodBank Sends Major Thanks! Cleanlites Recycling, Inc. donates $25,000 worth of recycling towards a Freestore FoodBank Eco Engineering Project. With the help of this donation, the FoodBank will save $6,800 a year. That’s money recycled back into the...
by Andrew Morton | Dec 12, 2019 | Business
Data breaches happen more each year, and hackers are becoming more sophisticated. If you haven’t experienced one, either at your business or in your personal life, you are one of the lucky few. And it’s not just ransomware or phishing scams that your...