Electronic waste is generated in mind blowing amounts every day. In this fast paced world it is easy to separate oneself from the impact it may have. We use electronics every day, not only in the products we own, but in the businesses we interact with and the day to day life we operate. Everything from the food you eat to the bed you sleep on was produced with the aid of some electronics from salespeople computers to the assembly line automated robots.
Recycling is what we do. It is our part in making the world a more sustainable place and in diverting waste from landfills. Recycling is one of the best way that businesses and citizens can come together and make a difference.
Understanding what the impact is the first step towards making a difference. Cleanlites is committed to making a difference not only through recycling but through education. Check out our latest recycling infographic with some recycling statistics that might surprise you. Visualizing data about ewaste and environmental impact can help to educate folks and improve the quality of life of many.
The Facts
Only 12.5% of eWaste gets recycled every year.
While 12.5% represents millions of pounds of eWaste, that is a pretty staggering figure. While we are still making progress, 100% recycled would mean a significant reduction in energy costs mining for raw materials. 100% recycled ewaste would also help save space in landfills and cut costs in expensive extraction or dangerous exporting of waste.
1 Million Laptops recycled is enough power for 3,657 homes
It’s hard to wrap one’s head around such a powerful ewaste statistic. Companies or Fortune 500s regularly recycle whole office buildings of eWaste and just recycling alone is enough energy to power thousands of homes. You can make a difference recycling.
One Monitor = Too Many Resources!
All the resources that go into one monitor equal 530 pound of oil 1.5 tons of water and 48lbs of hazardous chemicals. That process alone might be efficient now, but as resources become more expensive, recycling might be the only option. Cleanlites can help to mitigate this use